Museums and Ownership

    Stuart Fleischer ARH 351 Position Paper Museums & Ownership     Every time you go to an art museum, you get the opportunity to witness a piece of…

The Eye of the Obelisk Must Look Toward Home

“A place belongs forever to whoever claims it hardest, remembers it most, wretches it from itself, shapes it, renders it, loves it so radically that he remakes it his his…

Obelisk inscribed with hieroglyphs.

Rights and Wrongs of Modern Ownership

The issue of ownership in today’s society is still highly prevalent. Throughout the world, there are countries making laws about cultural property and whether ancient objects should or should not…

Large Kneeling Statue of Hatshepsut

Egypt: Repatriation and the Ownership of Antiquity

Antiquities have for centuries held historical importance to the cultures and places from which they originate. These ancient objects have enriched cultures all over the world. Textbooks and even movies…

Looters digging for artifacts.

Alex Thomason

Near and Middle East   Ancient artifacts have been subject to looting over many years. According to Ursula Lindsey with The New York Times, “The Middle East lost many of…

5 men stand arround a mummy coffin that had been looted.

Looting in the Near and Middle East

The Guardian: Photograph: Sandro Vannini/SCA Sandro Vannini/Supreme Council of Antiquities Throughout history there has always been a want and a need for what you do not have, today this same…

Two men walk through as a historic neighborhood burns during a military raid.

Looting: The Destruction of History

 Throughout the history of mankind, cultures have looted from other  societies. Whether it be at times of conflict, or after a society’s collapse,  historians have traced artifacts excavated in one…

Aerial view of holes in the ground resulting from looting.

Looting The Ancient Middle East

When asked about the war in the Middle East, ancient dig sites aren’t exactly the first thing that comes to mind for most people. The harsh reality is, however, that…