A bottle with sculptural figures of humans and animals, as well as floral details.


   As a part of your subconscious, the genii is a specific divine figure with an unspecific content flowing through every living creature representing the intercessor between the realms of…

5 men stand arround a mummy coffin that had been looted.

Looting in the Near and Middle East

The Guardian: Photograph: Sandro Vannini/SCA Sandro Vannini/Supreme Council of Antiquities Throughout history there has always been a want and a need for what you do not have, today this same…

Aerial view of a Ziggurat in Iraq

Looting Issues in the Near and Middle East

Looting of artifacts within the Middle East has long since been an issue that appears to have no foreseeable resolution. This epidemic even dates back over thousands of years, such…