Cuneiform tablet with the Atrahasis Epic

Anu-Father of the Gods

Anu is one of the father gods of Mesopotamia and completes a triad of gods including Enlil and Enki. Anu, referred to as this name in Akkadian culture, is seen…

A silver coin depicting Julius Caesar.

Myth as Propaganda-Roman Venus

  The Goddess known to the Romans as Venus was originally a minor goddess of fertility in the Italian peninsula. Scholars believe that it was not until contact with the…

A bottle with sculptural figures of humans and animals, as well as floral details.


   As a part of your subconscious, the genii is a specific divine figure with an unspecific content flowing through every living creature representing the intercessor between the realms of…

The Lamassu is an Assyrian protective deity with a human head, body of a bull or lion, and bird wings.


    Under the reign of two great Assyrian kings known as Ashurnasirpal II and Sargon II they both established prominent capitals a century apart with a common inclusion of…

Part of a model chariot, with an impression of the sun god Shamash rising over the mountains

Shamash: The Sun God

Shamash was the ancient Mesopotamian sun god. Known as Utu in the Sumerian tradition, he was the twin brother of Inanna and the son of the moon god, Nanna. In…


For the purposes of this project, our team of student investigators began with two articles: Chas. Chaillé Long, “Send Back the Obelisk!” The North American Review Vol. 143, No. 359 (Oct.,…

Black vase with tan figures of humans, animals, and geometric details.

Artemis and Diana: The Goddess of the Hunt

Artemis (Diana in Roman mythology) was the virgin goddess of the hunt, wild animals, chastity, the moon, and childbirth (to a lesser extent). She was the daughter of Zeus and…

An obelisk inscribed with hieroglyphs.

Repatriation and the Ownership of Antiquities

The current issue surrounding the talk of antiquities lies in ownership or rather the lack there of, of antiquities. This is a debate that has been surrounding Archeology and its…

An obelisk inscribed with hieroglyphs.

What is Ownership?

Jennifer Ocampo Professor Morris Art History 351: Ancient Art 5 March 2015   What is Ownership?   A question one must consider when thinking about ancient art is what is…