A marble sculpture of a dying man.

From the Greeks to Augustus

Jesse Busby Since the Greeks, there has been an emphasis on the human body. Whether it be exaggerated emotions and contorted posture or the idealization of the human form, we…

Ancient Art’s Relationship with Religion

Carly Strickland Religion and the beliefs of the cultures of the ancient world played a huge role in the art that was created. Through this digital micro-exhibition visitors should experience…

A student's clay reconstruction of The Great Sphinx.

The Great Sphinx

Kirsty Rice The Great Sphinx has been seen as the symbol of both ancient Egypt and even for Egypt today. The Sphinx is an iconic symbol that is so widely…

An illustration on a wall of a male figure riding a horse.

Human and horses

  Ma Lijun “There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse.” EARLY TWENTIETH-CENTURY PROVERB   The relationship between horse and human…

Egyptian Mortuary Temple reconstruction

  Reconstruction of a Mastaba            By Connor Carraway The ancient Egyptians were one of the most architecturally gifted people of the ancient world. Their most noticeable contributions being the…

White Temple Reconstructed

Reconstruction of the White Temple

Busy Hopper The White Temple is one of the few ziggurat structures that left enough remains to give a hint to what it could have looked like when it was…

Narrative and Ancient Architecture

Stuart Fleischer Throughout history, places of religious worship have served as the centerpieces of ancient cities. The temples, pyramids, ziggurats, and the other buildings and structures of religious worship that…